
Initial Meeting

This short 10-20 minute meeting can be in person, over the phone, or through a video conference. We will spend time getting to know each other before our first in-person meeting so we can get the most out of our time together. We will outline a general framework to determine what info you should have prepared for the next meeting.


Discuss Your Needs

This is where we get to work and dream a little. We will discuss your goals and where you are at in achieving those goals. This process generally takes a minimum of 45 minutes. I find it is best to do in person and, if married or in a long-term relationship, for both parties to be present. This is the most important step in our journey together. The more open and honest you are about where you are and where you want to be, the more value I can add to you.


Identify Solutions and Develop a Plan

After we discuss your needs, I get to work by identifying solutions that work for you and your goals.


Recommendations and Implementation

About 7-10 days after we discuss your needs, we will meet again to discuss my recommendations and plan for you. This is also the time for education, discussion, and making adjustments to the plan. After making any necessary adjustments, we move toward final implementation.

Often implementation can take one meeting. However, depending on your personal plan and recommendations, this may take place over a series of in-person or virtual meetings.


Regular Review

Financial planning reflects your everyday life. Things change, kids need braces, a furnace breaks down and emergencies happen. I strive to review your plan with you on an annual basis at a minimum. I partner with you to determine if that schedule works best for you or if meeting more or less frequent would work better.



Ready to book an appointment? 



If you are interested in setting up a meeting to take control of your journey, please reach out to me via the message form, by email or give me a call!